Schizophrenia and transitional psychiatry: challenges and opportunities from adolescence to adulthood

Schizophrenia and transitional psychiatry: challenges and opportunities from adolescence to adulthood, Fad da 1.5 crediti per Medico chirurgo, Psicologo

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Descrizione del corso
This educational program will consist of 4 virtual CME events individually accredited from 13th to 22nd September 2021. During each of the four events an highly relevant clinical scenario will be focused on: - The identification, assessment and differential diagnosis of adolescents with first episode schizophrenia; - The selection of treatments and sequential testing of their efficacy until sufficient efficacy and effectiveness are observed; - The monitoring, detection and management of adverse effects; - Identifying potential challenges and addressing them when adolescents transfer from the child and adolescent psychiatry service to the adult psychiatry service. Each event is focused on a specific topic and the presence of a moderator allows a very high degree of discussion about specific clinical practices and practice gaps. The official language of the meeting is ENGLISH. A simultaneous translation will be available for the following languages: Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish.
Tipologia Fad:Corsi in diretta su piattaforma multimediale dedicata (aula virtuale, webinar) - Fad sincrona
Informazioni corso
Crediti assegnati:1.5
Periodo di svolgimento:13/09/2021 - 22/09/2021
Durata del corso (in ore):4
Azienda/Ente formativo:Doc Congress Srl
Verifica apprendimento:Questionario (obbligatoriamente a risposta multipla e a doppia randomizzazione)
Responsabile scientifico:Prof. Christoph U. Correll
Qualifica:Director Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
Quota di partecipazione:0 €
Sponsor:Angelini Spa
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Schizophrenia and transitional psychiatry: challenges and opportunities from adolescence to adulthood