Diagnostic histopathology and molecular pathology of gynecological tumors

Diagnostic histopathology and molecular pathology of gynecological tumors, Fad da 12 crediti per Biologo, Medico chirurgo, Tecnico sanitario laboratorio biomedico

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Descrizione del corso
“Diagnostic histopathology and molecular pathology of gynecological tumors” will gather experts and participants from all over the world. The aim of the event is to present and discuss updated information on key topics in gynecological pathology to be applied to clinical practice in a variety of settings and to create awareness on the efficacy of multidisciplinary approaches. IDENTIFIED PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE GAPS: 1. Increasing complexity of gynecological oncologic pathology related to the need of precision medicine 2. Increasing complexity of gynecological oncologic pathology related to extreme segmentation of tumor entities 3. Necessity to integrate morphology with new molecular findings 4. Necessity to provide medical oncologists with reliable prognostic and predictive biomarkers
Tipologia Fad:Corsi in diretta su piattaforma multimediale dedicata (aula virtuale, webinar) - Fad sincrona
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze di processo:LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After successful completion of the educational activities, participants should be able to: 1. Recognize the diagnostic challenges of major subsets of oncologic gynecological pathology. 2. Correlate morphology with immunophenotypical and molecular findings. 3. Interpret morphologic findings in the appropriate clinical context. 4. Answer the need for more robust prognostic and predictive biomarkers 5. Understand future research directions and potentials for changing the clinicopathologic landscape in specific fields of gynecological oncologic pathology
Informazioni corso
Crediti assegnati:12
Periodo di svolgimento:26/01/2021 - 05/02/2021
Durata del corso (in ore):8
Azienda/Ente formativo:Doc Congress srl
Verifica apprendimento:Questionario a risposta multipla (se online: con doppia randomizzazione)
Responsabile scientifico:Dei Tos Angelo Paolo
Quota di partecipazione:200 €
DiagnosticHistopathology_Programma.pdf679.17 KB
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Diagnostic histopathology and molecular pathology of gynecological tumors